
Refrigeration Installations, Services and Products

CPR Refrigeration and Air Conditioning provide refrigeration and cooling solutions for all types of farms and industrial refrigeration requirements. Our services include refrigerator installation and maintenance and air conditioning systems from farm milk cooling to commercial to industrial refrigeration.

If you’re not sure what system will work for your premises, we can assess your space and work out what is required, taking into account all considerations before giving you the best solution.

We use quality brands in providing cost effective, low maintenance and efficient refrigeration for dairy farms. With products especially developed for the dairy industry we can help with prechilling, vat chilling and heat exchangers to capture waste heat.

View our range of refrigeration products below, whether you need a small cool room for low scale produce storage or something for a large cool store complex, we will have something for you.

All our systems are designed to meet the new MPI Milk Cooling Requirements. Make sure you are compliant with the new rules, call us today.

Dairy Farming

CPR provide refrigeration and cooling solutions for all types of farms and industrial refrigeration requirements. Our services include refrigerator installation and maintenance and air conditioning systems from farm milk cooling to commercial to industrial refrigeration.

If you’re not sure what system will work for your farm, we can assess your space and work out what is required, taking into account all considerations before giving you the best solution.

We use quality brands in providing cost effective, low maintenance and efficient refrigeration for dairy farms. With products especially developed for the dairy industry we can help with prechilling, vat chilling and heat exchangers to capture waste heat.

All our systems are designed to meet the new MPI Milk Cooling Requirements. Make sure you are compliant with the new rules, call us today.

Truck refrigeration

CPR Refrigeration is proud Thermo King and carrier service provider.

Industrial Refrigeration

We provide refrigeration and cooling solutions for all types of farms including meat, dairy and timber processing factories. Our services include refrigerator installation and maintenance and air conditioning systems from farm milk cooling to commercial to industrial refrigeration.

Cool Rooms & Freezers

CPR are your modular and bespoke cool room and freezer specialists.

Whether you need a small cool room for low scale produce storage or something for a large cool store complex, we will have something for you.

Custom build, repair and service of cool rooms and freezers.

Available in a range of sizes, shelving options, and other features.

Contact us to discuss your requirements.

CPR – Peace of Mind in Refrigeration

Ice Bank

The ice water system of the RM/IB cooling tank features a built-in ice bank, ensuring intensive milk cooling without any risk of freezing.

The ice bank system sprays ice water across the external surface of the inner tank. This accelerates cooling by 50% compared to a standard direct expansion system.

Thanks to Packo’s high-quality Ice Bank technology (IB), the cooling time is reduced by half, with no risk of freezing the milk. Cooling with ice water is particularly effective when used with AMS milking.

Being the world leader in ice bank systems, Packo has been developing and improving this technology for over 40 years. This system, which was previously considered as a simple variation on the “bain-marie” system, is, nowadays, increasingly applied in the world’s leading dairy industries. Its strength goes beyond just maintaining milk quality.

The ice bank milk cooling tank will store a reserve of ice, which means that the cooling units don’t need to be switched on during milking. There is less risk of milk temperature increase due to this ice reserve, even in the event of power fluctuations. The other advantage is that you don’t need to invest in large cooling units, which saves you space and cuts down installation costs. Another added bonus is the fact that you can avail of cheaper night-rate electricity to build up your reserve of ice, thereby reducing running costs substantially.

Ice Bank

Electrical Control Panels for Refrigerated Milk Vats

  • IP65 Lockable Main Enclosure. Metal Tagged lock supplied
  • Pre-wired back to terminal block
  • Electrical controls mounted in internal enclosure
  • Multifunction switch > PUMP – IPC – OFF – REF1 – REF2
  • IPC timer adjustable from 0 secs – 10hrs, set to 10 minutes.
  • IPC Start push button
  • Agitator 10A 230Vac relay included
  • Carel IR33 Series Controller
  • 6 meter special vat probe included
  • Dual Controller option available (p/n IRDAIRYPANEL2C)
  • Wiring Diagram Included
  • Application Sheet & Parameters Guide included
  • External Viewing Window
  • Milk Document Clip
Condenser Units

Vast range of fitted accessory options to enable the installer to customise to suit the project. Unit covers also available. All Patton scroll condensing units are factory supplied with “Patton Coat” condenser coil and fin protection.

  • World renowned reliability
  • Polyester compressor lubricant
  • Standard units (without accessories) are prewired to a terminal box
  • Generous wide finned, low noise level condensers supplied with protective coil coating
  • Wide range of factory fitted accessories available
  • Built for Australasian conditions
Water Chillers

Open base units with Copeland Semi-Hermetic compressors from 1.0 to 60.0 hp. for small/medium/large cool rooms, freezer rooms and cabinets etc utilizing refrigerants R404A, R134a and R22. Vast range of fitted accessory options to enable the installer to customise to suit the project. Unit covers for some smaller models also available. All Patton Semi-Hermetic condensing units are factory supplied with “Patton Coat” condenser coil and fin protection.

  • Quiet and efficient Copeland ZB Scroll and Semi-Hermetic Compressors
  • World renowned GEA Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Refrigerant circuit complete ex works
  • Pre-wired units – Including water temp & low temp safety controls
  • Condenser coils supplied with “Patton Coat” fin and coil protective coating
Glycol Chiller
  • Quiet and efficient Copeland ZB Scroll Compressors
  • World renowned GEA Brazed Plate Heat Exchangers
  • Refrigerant circuit complete ex works
  • Pre-wired units – Including water temp & low temp safety controls
  • Condenser coils supplied with “Patton Coat” fin and coil protective coating

Ideal for small commercial coolrooms, freezers and transport applications utilising refrigerants R404A/R507, R22/R407C and R134a. Low profile “B” Series forced draught units are particularly advantageous where headroom is at a premium. High efficiency EC fan motors are available on request.

  • Optimised 3/8” Rifle Bore Tube Coils
  • Light Weight Alu Case – ‘Signal White’ Powder Coat
  • Factory Applied “Blue Coil Coat” Corrosion Protection
  • High Airflow External Rotor Motors
  • Reversible Drain Trays
  • Low Temp Heater Safety Klixon

Custom build, repair and service of coolrooms and freezers.

Available in a range of sizes, shelving options, and other features. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

VRF Systems

VRF Systems – Can easily be related to the “Rolls Royce” of the heat pump systems.

It’s a very sophisticated technological heat pump system based on several principles:

  • Refrigerant only – where the refrigerant is the only cooling/heating material in the system.
  • Inverter compressors that allow lowering power consumption with partial cooling/heating loads.
  • Several air handlers (indoor units) are on the same refrigerant loop/circuit.
    The ability of modular expansion (especially applicable for large projects, that can grow in stages)
  • Heat Pump Systems (most popular) – all the indoor units can either heat or cool (not at the same time). Fan and Dry modes are available for each indoor unit independently.

Refrigeration Installation & Servicing Experts


  • Refrigeration for dairy farming, industrial and trucks
  • Expert advice
  • Customised solutions for your business
  • The best products
  • Fujitsu Accredited

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